Why you Should Remodel to Allow Yourself to Age at Home

Home remodel

There are many steps to plan for the changes in life that come with aging. One that may get overlooked is the functionality of your home as you or another member of your family ages. Decreased mobility and lowered tolerance for marathon house-cleaning or landscaping are just two things that may be taken for granted when considering your long-term living arrangements. These, and other, factors can be mitigated by planning ahead with aging in place remodeling.

As you or a loved one gets nearer to the time when decisions need to be made about where to spend the next few chapters of life, planning ahead gives you the option of putting some work into your existing home. Aging in place remodeling lets you transform potential obstacles into functional components of your homes without sacrificing the look and feel you’ve loved for years.


If you anticipate having difficulty with a stepped entry-way, for example, you can work with a designer to find solutions other than a traditional ramp. Ramps can be cumbersome and unsightly, and limit your ability to sell quickly if you should end up wanting to move. Eliminating your exterior steps with a raised deck or carefully arranged brickwork is an alternative that allows you to protect the look and value of your while still accommodating your limited mobility.


Aging in place remodeling should be done with an expert in in-home aging or a contractor with experience doing these particular remodels. There may be factors you had not considered that their experience can bring to light. It is also important to be clear with them for the reason of the remodel you are undertaking. Having your contractor understand why you are remodeling will help them bring forward other potential concern areas and ensure that any work will meet with your ultimate goal – being able to age in your own home.